I'm working on a website and would like some help.


Feb 13, 2017
I am new to coding with HTML and I am making a website. I have made the footer for the page and would like some help with this part. I have "Designed by : <Signature>" but the signature isn't properly centered with the rest of the text. Below is a screenshot of what I am talking about.


Here is the code for the footer :

<footer id="footer">
<div class="container">
<div class="row double">
<div class="6u">
<div class="row collapse-at-2">
<div class="6u">

<div class="6u">

<div class="6u">

<p>Serving The Tri-State Area with Long Island, New York City, and Upstate New York Facilities</p>
<p>187 N Main St, Freeport, NY 11520</p>
<ul class="icons">
<li><a href="https://twitter.com/TruArtSignCoInc" class="icon fa-twitter"><span class="label">Twitter</span></a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/Tru-Art-Sign-Co-Inc-903511153017630/" class="icon fa-facebook"><span class="label">Facebook</span></a></li>
<ul class="copyright">
<li>&copy; 2018 Tru-Art Sign Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved.</li>
<li>Designed by: <img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359001328992911370/409865491155255296/0vnfidvrkjh5x78u7ul.png"></li>

Thanks in advanced. :)
Looks good. Nice idea. I can recommend to read this blog https://steelkiwi.com/blog/category/design/ if you working with website design now. There are many fresh and useful info from professional developers.

I will try that and let you know the results.
Hi, here's what difference is when using both FireFox and Edge:

This is without the align=absmiddle: [Webpage Example]

This is with the align=absmiddle: [Webpage Example]

I've included the CSS style sheet in both of those example pages.

If you are seeing something different, then 1 of 2 things might be happening:
#1. Maybe you are using a different web browser such as Chrome?
#2. Maybe you are not including the whole page which may have additional CSS or something else which is conflicting in the page and making things show up differently.
Looks good. Nice idea. I can recommend to read this blog https://steelkiwi.com/blog/category/design/ if you working with website design now. There are many fresh and useful info from professional developers.