I'm worried about temperature readings


Dec 18, 2015
Hello, I bough AMD Athlon X4 840 few months ago,is has fairly quiet stock fan.
I played some more demanding games , and decided to check for temperature. I used HWmonitor. And in CPU pocket temperature its showing quite big number, like 95+c.


I'm not sure what each temperature sensor stand for, but no part of computer should be that hot.
In bios its showing around 60c, but there's also a fact that CPU cools a lot when it restarts.

Should I do something about it, or just hope for a bad sensor readings?
At idle that's normal - idle temps are always inaccurate on amd cpu's until the core temp is 40c+.

That thermal margin is not the CPU temp , its the headroom left until the chip hits such a high temp as to cause throttling

Amd chips are rated to 72c generally so 40c shown there means the CPU temp is 32c (72-40)

You need to get the CPU under load to see real temps.

Download prime95

Run it & select to start the standard test that pops up while keeping the amd overdrive tab onscreen.
Give it 2-3 minutes & see what your thermal margin gets down to as a minimum.

Then stop the test manually (windows task manager box in bottom right corner)

Prime puts an abnormal load on all cores & you will never stress the CPU this much in real life.

If that thermal margin stays above 0 you're fine , if it stays above 10c then even better.