Image displayed is bigger than full screen, so I can only see a quarter of the screen


Jan 20, 2012
Hello all,

I recently upgraded from a 720p LCD TV to a 1080p plasma, my PC is connected to this via HDMI. On the LCD TV I had no problems, everything displayed correctly.

On the plasma 90% of things display fine, with 2 exceptions. Worms: Clan Wars loads up and the game is running at bigger than full screen. It's af if Worms is running in 4k resolution - all I can see is the bottom left hand corner of the image as the rest is too large to fit.

I can see enough of the screen to get into the games resolution settings. Changing the resolution makes no difference - 640 x 480 right up to 1920x1080 all display exactly the same, with 3/4rs of the image lost off the side and top of the screen.

Same with videos on Steam. Every time I try to watch a trailer/video on Steam, but this time I cna only see the top left hand corner of the image, the rest is lost to the right and below the screen.

But everything else is fine - Windows itself scales properly, all my other games display fine, VLC plays movies fine, Youtube is fine, just Steam videos and Worms have this issue.

I'm completely stumped - please help!

edit: This may make what i mean clearer - the red box represents my TV screen.

Is it possible to run worms in windowed mode correctly?
The problem must be scaling related. Certain devices behave differently with HDMI. I had a laptop that wouldn't play sound via HDMI but made a noise so we had to use VGA or DVI port.
Also, try to upgrade your drivers and directX that worms is using. You gotta have worms, it's an awesome game. 😉
Drivers are up to date (in fact I tried updating from the latest drivers to the latest Beta drivers, no change). Direct X is up to date. AMD Radeon 7850.

I understand how to change the overall, golbal scaling (Overscan/underscan in CCC), but this doesn't help as it's only specific programs. I need to be able to change the scaling for just some programs and not others.

I did try Windowed mode and you know what, I've completely forgotten. I think it was better, but not perfect. At work now, later on when I'm at home I'll take screenshots in both full screen and windowed.

I think I have an HDMI -> DVI cable in the garage, I'll try to dig that out, see if it helps. I may have a VGA cable as well, can't hurt to try.

I'll also try a different HDMI port actually, didn't think of that last night.

Yes, Worms is awesome, loving Clan Wars - the perfect party game :)
Yep, scaling issue. Because I went from a 720p TV to a 1080p all the text was waaay to tiny to read (remember, TV, sofa, I'm sat 10 feet away). I'd changed the Windows DPI setting up from 125% to 150%. This is what was breaking things. Putting it back down to 125% fixes everything (well, apart from the fact that everything is now tiny and really difficult to read!).