In which hard disk should i install windows ?


Dec 1, 2015
Hello , i have three hard disk drives
Please i want to know in which one should i install my windows in terms of better performance and higher speed.

1- Segate: St3160815as >>> 160GB , 7200RPM , cache 8MB.
2- Segate: St500dm002-1bd142 >>> 500GB, 7200RPM - cache 16MB
3- Segate: ST31500341AS >>> 1.5TB , 7200rpm - cache 32MB.
4- WesternDigital (blue) : WD3200AAJS-00L7A0 >>> 320GB, 7200RPM,cache 8MB.

Thank you :))

For performance the SPINiest and the largest CACHE, that's by the numbers. In real life I wonder if you feel any difference.

laptop hard drives look the same whether to a laptop or to a desktop as long as you don't mind the 5400 RPM typical.

Windows doesn't like to boot from External HD. Linux yes, OSX yes.
Hi there Mohamed_30,

You can just pick the drive that offers the most storage space and biggest cache size.
Apart from that, it may be a good idea to test all the drives with a brand specific testing tool in order to check out their health status.

You can test your WD drive with WD's Data Lifeguard Diagnostic tool(both short and extended tests):

D_Know_WD :)

Thanks alot ^^
They all passed tests , with "WD's Data Lifeguard Diagnostic tool" and with "Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows tool"
And i'll have all the hard disks in my machine at one time
But I'll use only one for windows and all others to store data only
I don't care about the storage that i'll save for windows , i care about performance...
What you think is the best choice to install windows ?

I have another two questions ,
1- Would be any difference if i used a laptop hard disk for a pc workstation ?
2-Would be any difference if i used an external hard disk as a primary hard for a pc workstation ?
For performance the SPINiest and the largest CACHE, that's by the numbers. In real life I wonder if you feel any difference.

laptop hard drives look the same whether to a laptop or to a desktop as long as you don't mind the 5400 RPM typical.

Windows doesn't like to boot from External HD. Linux yes, OSX yes.

Thank you :)