In windows 7, how to search filenames contain @ or $ or ^ ( without using cmd )

i z

Nov 17, 2011
In windows 7 , how to search for filenames contain ^ or $ or @
(i don't want to use cmd for example c:\ >dir *@*.* /s noting that i tried searching for ^ in cmd it was useless like c:\ >dir *^*.* /s)

Use wild cards in the file name, eg


Thnx but i don't wanna use cmd .
Why windows 7's search is unable to find these characters ^ , & , @
while windows xp's search can find them all

I was not referring to using command. In XP, as you mention, using the Windows Search you can enter those wildcards in the search box, and get results. Although the search for *&*.* gives extra hits which don't seem to have the & in file name (at least the file name that is shown in results).

I will defer to someone else as to why it does not work in Win7.