Inaccessible boot device error and cant install any os

Drew Goslin

Jan 8, 2015
Out of the blue my pc wouldn't boot and gave the the error (inaccessible_boot_device) so I went through the steps to fix the error and it did nothing. I figured the drive had bricked itself (Intel 730 series 480 gb ssd). I go to my closet and pull out a drive with windows 10 64 bit installed. but I get the same error when I try to boot from it. so I switch out the mother board figuring its bios is broken. nope get the same error on both mb's. I switch out the psu and that doesn't fix it. I thought it might be the ram but After switching that I still got the error. I have no idea what the problem is I've been without gaming for 2 months now and im suffering withdrawals. I'n the 7 years of pc building I've done I've never encountered an error that continues even after every part in the system is changed out. also Whenever I try to install an os it acts like it installed but when I reboot its like it hasn't even done anything to the drive at all. Please help.
did you try to set up back the original config on this system and check bios settings see if you plug a board that could use asmedia or intel chipset for the drive .

No, one of the first things I did was try another sata cable. Did that twice.