[Incompatibility?] Sound Cut Off - RX480 / B150M Bazooka


Jan 23, 2017
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a solution about my problems for few days.

Here is my computer (22/10/2016) :
- MB : MSI B150M Bazooka
- CPU : Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz
- GPU : Saphirre Nitro + RX480 8Gb
- Corsair ValueRam 2*8 Go
- Supply : Corsair 650w Bronze 80+
- Audio Integrated Drivers : Realtek High Definiotn
- Logitech Z530 5.1

Here is my issue :
I have a sound problem.
The sound completely stop throughout all applications when I'm turning on the computer.
Half the time this issue appear, the other half of the time I have the sound at launch and when I'm launching a game the sound turns off and have to reboot.

However, I can have the sound playing. Only on two of my five speakers by downgrading Realtek High Definition Audio Drivers from proprietes (The problem below by turning on the computer remain). As soon as I update drivers and get Realtek application (from where I can configure my five speakers) I can't have sound playing.

What I did to resolve it :
- Check EVERY older and latest GPU Drivers & Motherboards Audio Driver (Fail at every drivers updates)
- Unable/Disabled Integrated Audio Driver (Fail)
- Update BIOS (Fail)
- Clear CMOS (Fail)
- Reinstall entirely W10 Home (Fail)
- Remove GPU (The sound work)
- Try GPU into another computer (Work, sound goes well)

So, I'm wondering If it's a incompatibility between motherboard & GPU (material conflict) or a driver problem.
My GPU works well on another computer but as soon as I plug the GPU, I don't have any sound on my 5.1.

Sorry for my english, that I am not,
Hope someone can help me.
Thanks for reading.
First, make sure you are on the latest drivers across teh board. That is your correct starting point. Then connect everything. After that right click teh speaker icon as pe above, go to playback devices, right click all of them and disable them, except the "speakers(Realtek audio)" or however the default one is called.
Do not have the AMD HD audio driver disable through all this. Have everything enabled.
Well, you try to help. Thank you for that.

I hope experts will come and help. I have few knowledges in computer and this problem make me mad !

Thank you again.
Hello Rogue Leader,

I already try this option.
The sound still goes off.
When I disable AMD High Definition Audio Driver and reboot => Automatic reinstallation

Are you sure you are disabling it and not deleting it? if you delete it it will re-install automatically, but if you disable it, it should remain disabled.
First, make sure you are on the latest drivers across teh board. That is your correct starting point. Then connect everything. After that right click teh speaker icon as pe above, go to playback devices, right click all of them and disable them, except the "speakers(Realtek audio)" or however the default one is called.
Do not have the AMD HD audio driver disable through all this. Have everything enabled.
Hello everyone,

@Rogue Leader,
Disabling or Deleting it does not solve the issue, sadly 🙁.

I disable what you mention. The problem is still remain.
When I'm launching a game, the sound buzzing and goes off.

Here is a picture of the different playback devices I have. I disabled every of them. They were present before the problem appears.