Inconsistent Frame Rate

Jiggle Mouse

Feb 16, 2014
hi, I have a very nice computer but the frames are very inconsistent.

GPU : GTX760
CPU : i5 quad core
MOTHERBOARD : AS Rock Z87 Extreme
RAM : 16 GB
HDD : Toshiba Terabyte
SSD : Samsung 120 GB

My frames on games such as Rust and Battlefield 4 go between 40 and 90+ fps at a fast and uncomfortable rate. My computer is more than capable at running games at 60+ frames consistently. I have updated my drivers and such. I am fairly new to the pc gaming scene so any help will do!
I'm having the same problem with my gtx 770, and my systems only a few weeks old 🙁 When I first built my computer I ran games at highest settings at consistent 80-100fps and now I'm down to 30-70fps? (Game called SNOW)

i terminate all the cpu processes that are not required and the issue still occurs.

This sceenario is pretty identical to how my computer is operating as well. brand new pc works beautifully for th efirst couple weeks/months and then gets inconsistent