Increase Download Speed


Jan 17, 2016
Hi all,
I am working in an organization where they have restricted download speed to 250kbps per local ip(the speed which our ISP offers is 150mbps)
I have done the following steps:
1.I have assigned multiple local ips to my NIC
I want to use all these ips simultaneously for faster downloading(I know browsing speed wont increase since I will only use one ip at that time.)
The goal is:Split the download into pieces and download each piece through different ip.
P.S: English is not my native language.Sorry for grammatical errors.
You need a application that supports using multiple IP. Generally this would be the same as have 10 browsers running and downloading 10 different files. End user machines are not designed to be used this way so you are going to have a massive issue trying to find programs that will meet your needs.

Oh come on,most of the guys have done this(unfortunately,no one tells me the solution).I've heard that they use 'curl' and 'forcebindip'.
You need a application that supports using multiple IP. Generally this would be the same as have 10 browsers running and downloading 10 different files. End user machines are not designed to be used this way so you are going to have a massive issue trying to find programs that will meet your needs.