Increasing home WiFi signal range and strength - Assistance needed


Jul 25, 2015
Hi all,

Currently in my household (single level only) we have a Netgear C6300BD modem (provided by our ISP, Telstra) and it's positioned around the center of the house. While the targeted device, my computer, is at the other end of the house. When running an internet speed test, download speeds will rnage from 10 to 29 Megabits per second and about 3 to 4 on upload. The only area the modem can be placed is in its current location, and my computers preferred position is where it is currently. The 2.4ghz band which I currently reaches my room, but I'd like to be able to use the 5ghz band since my TP-Link Archer T9E WiFi card would handle it easily.

Are there any specific devices like WiFi range extenders that would help? House mates have said no to access points due to wiring and we can't use a powerline solution since other devices need to be powered, not just the one.

Current Modem:
Current WiFi card:


Using similar to extend wifi to my backward to use phones and Chromecast. Extender is about 8 meters from router with two bedroom walls inbetween. Haven't tested maximum range between router to extender but from extender to outside is about another 10 meters still with good wifi signal.

On nbn 100mbps to the house. Using Google Pixel phone on wifi i get around 5MB/s 2.4GHz.

Using similar to extend wifi to my backward to use phones and Chromecast. Extender is about 8 meters from router with two bedroom walls inbetween. Haven't tested maximum range between router to extender but from extender to outside is about another 10 meters still with good wifi signal.

On nbn 100mbps to the house. Using Google Pixel phone on wifi i get around 5MB/s 2.4GHz.

Thanks for that, I'll have a look at it, the extender look

Thanks for the answer boju, going off what you said I'll probably settle on what you suggested. It should solve all the problems we have.
