Incredible high-end pc, but can barely hit 60-80 fps in most games

Mar 10, 2018
Hello, ive recently bought a new pc and i thought it should be able to hit 144fps with ease in almost every game. Is there something wrong that I am missing?

my specs:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz, 4200 Mhz

Motherboard: ASRock Z170A-X1
RAM: 16.0GB
System Type: 64-bit OS
OS: Windows 7

If you need any more information, please let me know!
Thanks alot
GEFORCE Experience can also set many game settings according to your GPU model. It might lower some settings to get you 144hs. I have a 1080ti with a i7 7700k and there are game I run at 72hz to get higher textures and detail quality. ( I have 2560x1440 144hz monitor) I don't always get 144hz.

I suggest:

1 - Let Geforce Exp set your Overwatch settings.
2 - Lower advanced graphic things until you reach 144hz. Then see what can be raised without effecting fps.

We can use Overwatch as example but its for most games. Even on the lowest settings im unable to reach 100+ fps. And yes I have updated all my drivers
GEFORCE Experience can also set many game settings according to your GPU model. It might lower some settings to get you 144hs. I have a 1080ti with a i7 7700k and there are game I run at 72hz to get higher textures and detail quality. ( I have 2560x1440 144hz monitor) I don't always get 144hz.

I suggest:

1 - Let Geforce Exp set your Overwatch settings.
2 - Lower advanced graphic things until you reach 144hz. Then see what can be raised without effecting fps.
I had a gtx 1060 3gb and after uninstalling nvidia geforce it actually improved my fps. On game like overwatch it would spike down int the 40s and in rainbow down into the 70s I eventually uninstalled it and I'm back on normal fps. Try that