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A list of key words and phrases to look for as topics of discussion:

wealth distributing

socialism embracing progressive

this man is actually the president of the United States

He is, in fact, a radical

wealth redistributing policies (much like the kind mentioned earlier in the thread)

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success, too.I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

What Joe the Plumber was told (see earlier reference in this thread)

How does a dictator retain control? (hope and change of any existing laws that get in the way)

bountiful stimulus package would give the economy a strong jolt. It didn’t, and still hasn’t (use your imagination)

Recovery Summer

economic stagnation (Not an errant Stag beer nation reference)

A: "We’ll invest in new roads and airports and broadband access." Q: How will we will win the future?

crony capitalism

regulatory zealot (He's one)

no Democrat in Congress (the perfect world)

a master of lip service (boom shacka lacka)

Blind Ambition

Poor Judgement

Lack of Rectitude

Program Note: Immediately following the conclusion of this report comprehensive coverage of the sad, sickening Weiner/ Edwards storys will be available.

Gamer's dream has come true :sol:

While we are on the subject of whatever it is the subject is, this breaking news regarding last months new jobs statistics should give more hope change is coming soon. Whatever is left of it.

Half of Last Month's New Jobs Came from a Single Employer — McDonald's

Soul Train backtrack

Remebering the Fifth Dimension.

It's the dawning of the age of Aquarius. Aquariusssssss.

International Goings'on's

Scotland: Social Update.

My comment: Casey Anthony sucks.
To me, people with money are always willing to invest, or, to put it in better terms, for our poorly advised non business knowing, chances, risks etc to make more of the same.
There must be many groups of such people waiting and willing to do so....
why havnt we seen this?
Im sure, all those multi million and billion aires would much rather sit tight and hold onto what they have, instead of creating more.....
This is completely out of the norm in human history
Im also just as sure, if these things were to happen, regular Joe of all positions, poor, middle upper and those who dont have enough to invest, but have a nice stash would also profit from such things
Again, why dont we see it happening...
If I invest alot of money, I need to know my profits are going to be there, which makes me more money, to continue to invest, if its not going to be there....

I ask all those that are thoughtful, whats holding this up from happening?
And please, no "theyre just hanging on to their monies and dont want anymore" responses
@ badge, thanx for the links, good to actually see the little guy win one, tho it may have left a stain on bankings white robes
Sure, no one with money leaves it laying around, they invest in business, property or otherwise. I sleep well knowing my money makes money while I'm doing it. In a dismal, no recovery in sight economy no one will make business investments they normally would. Like hire you. Ha ha no bazillionhare got their godzillions by sitting on it as ole Blind Ambition President Punk himself may suggest. Explain that in layman's terms to the Punk.

Obama's big selling point in 2008, apart from that flimsy notion of "change," was that he would be the anti-Bush. He would do the exact opposite of everything Bush did, because everthing Bush did was oh-so-wrong. Obama suggested two things: 1. He was so much smarter than Bush that he'd NEVER make the same mistakes, and 2. He'd watched Bush's presidency and actually LEARNED from those mistakes. Enough people bought that particular line of BS that Obama won and the rest is, shall we say, bad history.

With regard to Obama's order for US military intervention in the Libyan "kinetic military action," let's see how much he has learned from Bush's so-called "mistakes" in Iraq:

Bush was attacked for the following:

1. Invoking the doctrine of pre-emptive war, when Saddam Hussein had not directly attacked us.

Obama and Libya: Obama claims we are intervening to prevent a major slaughter...BEFORE it actually happened and while Muammar Qaddafi had not attacked us.

2. That Bush "rushed to war," despite the fact that he had spent months engaged in diplomatic negotiation.

Obama and Libya: Three weeks of hemming and hawing, then wham, bam, thank you, ma'am, we're engaged in a shooting war in Libya.

3. That Bush went ahead in Iraq despite Colin Powell's warning: "you break it, you own it."

Obama and Libya: He broke it, he owns it.

4. That Bush didn't consult enough with Congress, despite months of endless consultations and debates there.

Obama and Libya: Obama not only didn't consult with Congress, he sprung his decision on Congressional leaders before the first military action began. There was no invitation to discussion. Obama told them of his decision, and then invited them to leave. He continues to blow off Congress.

5. That Bush was led around by Dick Cheney.

Obama and Libya: He's being led around by Hillary Clinton.

6. That Bush's military action in Iraq unleashed unforeseen and uncontrollable terrorist forces.

Obama and Libya: Obama's military action has unleashed unforeseen and uncontrollable terrorist forces.

7. That Bush went to war in the wrong place. He should have gone after the big enemy, Iran, instead of Iraq.

Obama and Libya: He went to war in the wrong place. He should be focused on the need for possible intervention in places far more strategically important: Iran, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Jordan.

8. That Bush had no exit strategy, despite the fact that announcing one tips the advantage to the enemy.

Obama and Libya: He announced multiple and contradictory exit strategies, including turning the mission over to NATO, no use of ground troops, and being for Qaddafi's exit before he was against it.

9. That Bush opened a big can of worms by cracking open Iraq.

Obama and Libya: Obama's actions have opened an even bigger can of worms across the Middle East: the Muslim Brotherhood is running the show in Egypt and elsewhere, and al Qaeda is poised to gain a new base of operations in Libya.

10. That Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" prematurely.

Obama and Libya: Last night, he declared that the mission was being turned over to NATO forthwith, and the US's main work here is done. Oh, really?

The comparisons are almost....eerie. Especially for a president who is so obsessed with being the anti-Bush that he contorts himself into policy pretzels, has marginalized himself and his presidency, and has severely damaged American power and credibility.

I thought Obama was supposed to be so smart. I thought he was supposed to be so much smarter than Bush. I thought Obama was supposed to have learned from Bush's so-called "mistakes"....the same "mistakes" that he pounded Bush for for nearly eight years.

And yet....Obama seems to be repeating them. That must mean that Bush was right. Or Obama's rubbish elitist foreign policy is wrong.

Besides his Blind Ambition, poor judgement and lack of rectitude Obama is an incompetent boob, an inept, unread, uncurious doofus. He is beneath the American people.
We dont deserve him, and for those that think we do, I ask for them to just look around, sure, you can blame Bush all the way to Armageddon, but wheres all this under 8% unemployment, back on track, cheap oil, new creations, such as cheap/clean energy.
These are things he pushed, he said, he promised, as he drew his estimates on how things would go under his admin
They havnt, they wont, and until they change, we are mired into this thick sludge of "hes got money, lets redistribute" theology of his
He gave billions to worthless programs to "help" the economy, he doesnt have a clue.
People voting for him actually thought theyd get free kitchens, more freebies etc
People are hiring, but, since the benefits are so good to not work, they cant compete with Uncle Barack, and no one gets hired, and another miring slowdown is created, within many
Its the beaurocracy of a government thats trying to go local in control, all the way from Washington, slowing down, and creating hardship for this economy
Im sure everyones heard about the damage to the American dream thats taking place, as we see our houses decreasing in value, so too the businesses and their holding must be doing so
If a reassessment is brought out by local governements on these holdings, another tax loss occurs due to value loss
Nope, hes had his time, he still isnt getting it, and hes losing the people fast, and that suites me just fine
The Obama administration is 0-for-3 in meeting economic expectations. In 2009, President Obama and his advisers believed the bountiful stimulus package would give the economy a strong jolt. It didn’t, and still hasn’t. In 2010, Obama declared Recovery Summer and predicted a surge in employment. The economy lost 283,000 jobs over the summer. This year, Obama expected a significant ratcheting up of jobs and growth. There’s been a ratcheting down.

The White House always has an excuse. Obama’s economic policies are never at fault. The problem in 2009, according to Obama? The economy was in worse shape than he’d feared when he took office. In 2010, economic adviser Christina Romer said the dip in jobs was unexpected. No doubt it was, but that’s a lame explanation. And Obama stubbornly refused to express regret for having proclaimed Recovery Summer in the first place.

The economy is languishing, joblessness is stuck at an abnormally high rate, the housing market remains in decline, the deficit will exceed $1 trillion for every year of Obama’s term, the national debt is north of $14 trillion, and markets are anxious.

Obamam has served up five trillion in new debt in his two and a half years. That new debt will not be paid off in your lifetime, much less in 20 years.
Personally I think Obama is doing a great job. I think that the media destroyed him even before he went into office, because the republicans wanted it their way or the highway. When the Republicans are in office most of the time they never negotiate with the Democrats and they say its my way or the highway approach. When Democrats are in office they usually always try to negotiate with the republicans or the republicans complain about such and such.

I think its great to live in America where we have Two sides because you cant have Ying without Yang. They balance each other out in the end.

Although in Wisconsin I am highly disliking concealed carry. Makes me not want to work at a drug store, where some wack job getting Meds could pull out a gun because of concealed carry.
Personally I think Obama is doing a great job.

[:badge:3] Thanks for that in depth synopsis.

Although in Wisconsin I am highly disliking concealed carry.

Time to write a letter to your State Senator or State Represenative.

Makes me not want to work at a drug store, where some wack job getting Meds could pull out a gun because of concealed carry.

State's rights. The idea that the Federal government doesn't have power over every aspect of your life. Unlike Obama who like a dictator changes any law challenging his power much like a dictator will. Take Obamacare for example.

The issue is that we all expect our government to fix our problems, instead of not being lazy arseholes and staring businesses and creating jobs ourselves, starting healthcare companies for others, setting up our won clinics to help the poor who are sick, and ect...

We the people should regain control for the individual to help all...that is American love in my eyes.
We have a great Aussie millionaire called Dick Smith who is a true philanthropist ... reinvesting money he does not need into worthy projects to move Australia forward.

He is a very humble man and a lot of wealthy people could make a big difference if they adopted his attitude to life.

He has been asked many times to run for office but feels he can do more good out of the spotlight.

It's not often that I write a serious post in this area but if your interested then I suggest you google him.

I learned a lot about electronics by buying kits from his stores in the 70's ... met him once as he is a friend of an old guy I used to do work experience for as a kid (washing machine mechanic).


I'm just a little bit surprise by the way you're killing Obama with your words. I though he was doing a pretty great job for the US (compared to Bush). But i don't leave there, hard to get an objective view.

Now, sorry, it's sunday, 10AM, and i've to kill my neighbor and his children.
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