Incremental vs Differential Backup Size


Aug 1, 2008
Hi Everyone!

Im doing a little research on Data Backup types and am a little..unclear on one key difference on Incremental vs Differential that no one seems to elaborate on. I am aware of the functional difference between the two, however, what about size? For instance:

Lets say I have 100GB to back up and I'm doing incrementals every weekday that come in at 25GB; so 100GB Full (Friday), 25GB, 25GB, 25GB, 25GB, 100GB (Friday).

Now lets say I want to switch to doing differential backups instead would the new size of the backups be; 100GB Full (Friday), 25GB, 50GB (25+25), 75GB (25+25+25), 100GB (25+25+25+25), 100GB Full (Friday)?

Almost every article Ive found say that Differentials are bigger than Incrementals, and the change difference between Incrementals and Differentials, but not exactly how the difference works exactly.

Thank You!