Independent graphics for Photoshop?


Feb 23, 2013
I'm a graphics designer & so far I've used Photoshop CS5 & CS6 without any problem on hp g6 pavilion which doesn't have independant graphics on it.

In future I've plans to upgrade my laptop, so I've to decide whether I shud get a laptop with or without the independant graphics. Please tell me, is it recommended to have independent graphics to use Photoshop on a laptops or its just fine anyways?

Currently I've Core i3 and I don't have any overheating issues. But I heard independant graphics comes with overheating issues. This concerns me. Is that correct?

By the way, I've no plans to play video games, or do any 3D related work and or not much video editing either on the laptop. So what I'm thinking is, I should be fine without an indepandent graphics as well. Suggestions & Comments?

So far the research I've done, Dell Inspiron 5537 sounds like a good choice. It comes with or without AMD RADEON HD8850M 2GB DEDICATED GRAPHIC CARD.

What do you recommend? WITH -OR- WITHOUT?

I see, OK. and what about other issues that usually come with the independant graphics cards, like overheating, more battery consumption etc. I'm not an expert & I'm not sure if this is entirely true. Please advice. Thanks.

100% with a dedicated gpu - Radeon .i think HD 8850M is great . must check

OK Great, I'm up for WITH indepandant. graphics card. But I noticed that with this overall configuration, ci7 4th Gen, Processor, 1TB, 8GB etc, the price gets a bit higher.

While I found some other solutions, like Dell Inspiron N5520:
Core i5 3rd Gen 2.5Ghz, 1TB, 4GB, which I can upgrade to 8GB & it has AMD RADEON HD7670M 1GB DEDICATED GRAPHIC CARD. This is quite cheaper than the above config.

How does this sounds? Is this core i5 a strong pick? Or I should wait a while and get the above core i7 haswell, 8gb, WITH 2GB HD 8850M ?


i5 3230M 2.5GHz is a good laptop processor . HD 7670M is good too ,equal to GT 630M and GT 550M

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