Index entry iedvtool.dll in index $130 of file 453 is incorrect


Jan 29, 2013
I ran a chkdsk on a vista machine and this came up, any ideas what they are or how to fix them ?

index entry iedvtool.dll in index $130 of file 453 is incorrect

index entry iexplorer.exe in index $130 of file 453 is incorrect

index entry wininetplugin.dll in index $130 of file 4103 is incorrect
The error checker will fix things like that automatically if you set it up right before starting:

In Windows Explorer, right-click C: drive icon & choose "Properties".
Click the Tools tab.
Click "Check Now".
Tick both tick boxes.
Click "Start"

Click "Yes" at the prompt to allow error checker to run next time Windows is restarted.
Restart Windows.
After initial boot, the Disk Check will run and fix any file system problems it finds.

There is 2 other errors now, the ordinal 459 could not be located in the dynamic link libary urlmon.dll & BHO.DLL but they werent in the chkdsk errors..

When i close internet explorer this comes up to, error loading c:\\windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl

I have ran the chkdsk the way you said it before but its still the same...