Indicators numlock, capslock and scrolllock doesn't work a..


Dec 31, 2007
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

During boot the keyboard indicators for numlock, capslock and scrolllock works.
After NT4 is loaded, the indicators doesn't work anymore, but numlock, etc.
funtions normal.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

Hi Tom,

Sounds like something is blocking proper operation of the keyboard driver. Your
keyboard works normally up till the end of the NT boot cycle because at this
stage the keyboard is under the control of BIOS. Once NT boots and the boot,
system and automatic devices and services finish starting (around the time that
the blue screen disappears and the desktop appears) your keyboard is then under
the control of the NT device driver.

A few things I suggest you check - what device driver is being used to access
the keyboard ? Check Control Panel > Keyboard > General tab > Keyboard Type - is
the keyboard type listed here actually correct ?

Check what keyboard device driver is actually being used - Control Panel >
Devices - look for devices like i8042 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse, or msi8042 -
which is showing as 'Started'

By any chance have you loaded or experimented with a USB driver stack for NT4 ?
I discovered that in some cases these stacks load and activate drivers for HID
(Human Interface Device) ie: keyboards and mice for USB, which can have an
adverse reaction with the existing PS/2 based keyboard and mouse drivers.

Hope this info helps.

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)


Thanks, the USB driver was the problem. The user of this pc was not aware
that his action was the result of the problem.
He got a memory stick as gift, so he installed the driver for USB.

Thanks for your help,


"Calvin" wrote:
> By any chance have you loaded or experimented with a USB driver stack for NT4 ?
> I discovered that in some cases these stacks load and activate drivers for HID
> (Human Interface Device) ie: keyboards and mice for USB, which can have an
> adverse reaction with the existing PS/2 based keyboard and mouse drivers.
> Hope this info helps.
> Calvin.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.misc (More info?)

Hi Tom,

he can still have his USB driver stack - you'll just need to remove it, then
re-install it WITHOUT the HID drivers supplied in the package, and all will be well.
