Inet Sharing Router Configuration Problems


Jul 11, 2015
Ok, I'll show u the map.

Inet--->N Router 1--->My Comuter---Inet Sharing---Router 2---Any wireless device.

Here is the problem that i am having. Anything before my computer that is attached to router 1 has no problem sharing files back and forth. Anything attached to router 2 cannot see anything BEFORE my computer. but they can see each other. I would like to fix this problem. All of my configurations are below. I can get Inet on both sides. I have done alot of research and things are really confusing.

Router 1 -- 3-50(dhcp)

Wireless Adapter on Computer Statically set to x.x.x.23;; x.x.x.1 DNS: x.x.x.1; (shared)
LAN From computer -- OS set

Router 2 Statically set to: x.x.137.2;; x.x.137.1; DNS: x.x.137.1 -- 50-100(dhcp) (firewall turned off)

What i wanted to do is to be able to see on both sides from both sides. I am pretty competent in routers and settings and jargon, but this one has me stumped. Any and all help would be appreciated.
That is not an option, or i would have done that. the whole reason that i have that router hooked up the way that i do is because i need a hotspot for my tablets and phones in another part of my house. I am all about speed and connectivity. The modem and router are in a fixed place in the house and are not able to move. I dont have the option of running wire through my house, so that's dead. I am stuck with wireless. I have tried to put ddwrt on it. It worked, but i was bogged down to speeds of 1/2 of 54Mbps (even locally, It utilizes the 2.4 b/g band to receive and repeat inet) Now the issue of seeing other computers and tablets on that 2nd routers side is resolved, but just extremely slow.