Question Information on Settings Changes Are not Displayed in Real-Time


Feb 14, 2010

Whether I update Windows, Windows Defender security, or release and renew IP the information I see is not updating.
After Windows updates the progress bar reach 100% but doesn't complete:


If I close window or switch to another tab and back to previous tab the changes are reflected and update status changes to complete. Same thing with ethernet. IP changes are not reflected in real-time and unplugging and plugging LAN cable back as well.

Don't know what that might be. It's probably a system-wide effect that happens with other things but I didn't test.
the Progress bars used to install also rely on speed of storage to actually process the downloads.
Same thing will happen on Steam games too, and most downloads.
I see Nvidia drivers get to 100% and sit there for a while as the actual processing behind scenes is finished.
even when writing to an NVME, it takes time.
Personal computer or work/company owned computer?

Personal computer

the Progress bars used to install also rely on speed of storage to actually process the downloads.
Same thing will happen on Steam games too, and most downloads.
I see Nvidia drivers get to 100% and sit there for a while as the actual processing behind scenes is finished.
even when writing to an NVME, it takes time.

In my case even Windows Defender security updates that are supposed to take 3 seconds stay at 100%.
its possible their end as well, you relying on Microsoft. their tfr rate is not amazing.

So its possible the update has to confirm its right before its ready to install. Check its hash or something.

I suggest you to delete the content of "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download", then reboot the device.
Once rebooted, try start again Windows Update.
Probably there is some problem with the previous downloaded Update data.