I have two desktop computers (W7) wired to a DSL 3780 (D link router). I also have a laptop computer accessing the router wireless. All working fine for many months until last week. One of the desktops could not access the internet, constantly trying to identify the router. The network adaptor was set at automatically obtaining an IP. After lots of browsing, I decided to set it up to a static IP address (, with the gateway as ( This solved the problem of internet access. Now on that computer I can see the other computers, but I cannot access the shared files. Also the router has a USB port which I have attached a hard drive as a central store. The desktop cannot see the router. The other computers are functioning as normal, they see everything and can access each others shared files, but cannot access the desktop with the problem. I have set the enable 'NetBIOS over TCP/ip', but when I run 'ipconfig/all' from the dos prompt it shows the NetBIOS over tcpip to be disabled. Also trying 'nbtstat -RR' shows 'failed to access NetBT server'. I have browsed lots of sites and checked that the required Services.msc are running. I use Microsoft Essentials/Windows Firewall. Suspecting a virus carried out a complete scan/ ran Spybot 2/Malwarebytes. Problem still there. Any ideas?