CRO5513Y :
Baekgaard :
CRO5513Y :
How much more is the RX 470/570 where you are? They both offer 50%+ Performance over a GTX 1050 Ti.
Pricier, at least 20% more than inno3d
Hmm how much exactly if i may ask? Got a link to the site(s) you are buying from?
Lets say the r570 is at 10k, the inno3d is at 6k exactly, its so cheap its like a trap! I can bear with the lower gpu speed vs asus, but i fear the lifetime of this brand is not so tough. But, i have read through forums that there are people that says it is a ok gpu, other, not so good. Which puts a 50/50 rating for me. Im not that gamer, but i would like to know where to put my money on.