Inno3d GTX 960 HerculeZ X2 OC 2gb vs Good GTX 950 Cards vs Cheap 950


Feb 20, 2013
Hi there,

Edit TLDR: Should I buy an Inno3d 960 or a good 950 at same price OR buy a 950 at a low price

I need to compare this 960

Inno3d GTX 960 HerculeZ X2 OC 2gb

vs these 950 cards:

Gigabyte GTX 950 2gb
Zotac GTX 950 Dual Fan OC Ed 2gb
Asus GTX 950 OC 2gb
Asus GTX 950 Strix 2gb
Gigabyte GTX 950 Windforce 2X OC 2gb
MSI GTX 950 Armor 2X 2gb
Zotac GTX 950 AMP! 2gb

Considering they have the same prices. Should I go for the Inno3d 960 or a more reviewed 950?

or are they relatively similar that I should/could opt to either of these two since they are 20$ cheaper?
Zotac GTX 950 2gb
Palit GTX 950 StormX 2gb

Im looking for the best value here.


so at the same price, you're suggesting a more branded 950 over an inno3d 960?