Hi guys i am wondering if 11ms Input lag with v-sync on still playable? coz i want to get Asus VE247H 60HZ monitor and it has 11ms input lag i heard the review somewhere in the google..
Instead of Vsync limit your FPS to 60 using something like MSI Afterburner. Input lag is never good and why one would want to create more is pretty odd. 😛 Even high end models suffer from screen tearing but I can barely notice it at all on my mid end.
Input lag a monitor creates is not as big of a deal as people make it out to be, but it's definitely above average. I personally play with Vsync off.
in about 1 week i will have this monitor Asus VE247H Monitor it has 11ms input lag "according to the review" .. let say if i get about 75+ fps on my 60Hz monitor the screen tearing will appear? or with this monitor u wont notice it at all?
bcoz for me i would prefer play with vsync off but when screen tearing appears well i have no choice i must use v-sync on but the input lag is my problem ^^ sorry for my english ..
P.S = i dont have enough money to spend on 120hz monitor -.- ..
Instead of Vsync limit your FPS to 60 using something like MSI Afterburner. Input lag is never good and why one would want to create more is pretty odd. 😛 Even high end models suffer from screen tearing but I can barely notice it at all on my mid end.
No it doesn't get rid of screen tearing but it's better than using Vsync. Screen tearing is really hard to see today, I certainly haven't noticed any screen tearing for at least a year playing games, or if I did I probably didn't react because it happens once every 7 days, I'll never know.