Discussion Inserting Images into Posts


Sep 2, 2021
I tried to insert a jpg screen shot into a post but the 'Insert Image' above only has provision for a URL link (same as the one next to it: 'Insert Link'). As well as that option above, I tried drag n drop and cut & paste but those don't work. I had a good search for the answer to this, but all I see is a few posts on using a third party photo manager.

Is there a reason why we can't post jpg images directly from the HDD into a post? If it's because of size constraints, then a max file size could be specified before it allows it to be inserted. Or maybe it's to prevent viruses from other computers?

Wouldn't it be easier to allow a jpg image to be directly attached or inserted into the post? And if needed, with a specified maximum file size given (eg 300kB).