Inspiron 580 MT maxes out at 120Mbps internet speed

Eving Traveller

May 22, 2016
I just upgraded our Cable Internet from 64Mbps down 5Mbps up to 400Mbps down 20Mbps up. As well as the Inspiron 580 MT We have several Macs here & all the Macs hit the 400Mbps mark on test, also if I switch them to Windows 10 via Bootcamp, but the Dell can do no more than 120Mbps, irrespective of whether it is on Ethernet (Or Local Area Connection, as Win 10 now calls it!) or Wireless. I have also checked over several Days at different times. Looking at the drivers, they all say up to date.

We have upgraded over time to a Seagate Hybrid drive, 8 GB of Ram, & an Nvidia GT220 Video Card. All have been in place for some time without problem, & I cannot see anyway how they would effect the Internet, but I mention them in the interests of "full disclosure"

Still has the original Intel Core I3 530 (2,93Ghz, 4MB) Processor

Have we just hit the internet speed limit on this 7+ year Computer, or is there something I am missing?

Open to all suggestions & possible solutions!

Thanks in advance!

Ok, that makes sense. Thanks
The Wireless is a D-Link DWA 192 attached through a USB 2.0 port (The Dell only has 2.0). Would that still funnel through the LAN card then, & would an internally fitted Wireless card help any?