Ok, I need help in installing a graphic card Msi gt 730 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127852) into my computer which is LENOVO H430 (https://www.cnet.com/products/lenovo-h430-core-i3-2130-3-4-ghz-4-gb-1-tb-english/specs/) just the windows 7 version. I have windows 10 now no other graphic card other than the IGPU no other drivers, I disabled the IGPU to put in the new GPU(730) and I get 3 beeps one after 20 to 30 second each. On the last beep is when I get a black screen and a blinking underscore thing like this(_ ) but on the top left of the screen. Now I have upgraded my power supply to this Rosewill ARC-450, ARC Series 450W Power Supply, 80 PLUS Bronze Certified (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16817182295). So I know it's not the power, I've tried to use the BIOs to make sure it reads the PCIE or PNG OR PEG(um one of those two) and still have the same problem. This is my first time trying to upgrade my Pc any help would be greatly appreciated.