Question Installed G12 and kraken aio - no signal anymore


Sep 19, 2012
I installed the G12 bracket and the kraken x52 on my EVGA 2080 Ti XC Ultra. It was difficult since it was my first time disassembling a graphics card, but I was very careful. However, once I finished and installed the card back into the computer, I stopped getting a signal to my monitor. I tried two different monitors and different working cables. The computer boots up normally and the fans are spinning.

I have reseated the card and I guess I should try it in another PCI-E slot. Please let me know if you can help me.

EDIT: second PCI-E slot did not work.
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Did you make sure that black plug, above right, is set securely in the slot,right middle, when you put it back together?
The black plug shown sticking out on the far right of the heatsink in the picture? No, I have nothing plugged into the slot that was in. I figured that was power for the stock cooler fans.
I've removed the G12 and installed the bare card. Still no change. I know there is no cooling so I only ran it very shortly just to see if there was a signal. I'm not sure what else to do. I'm going to call my guy tomorrow and bring it in to see if he has any ideas and can fix it.

If anyone has any more ideas on what I can try, I'd appreciate it. I guess I could toss a different card in there to confirm it's not the motherboard.

EDIT: I tried a 970 and it worked. I guess I was kind of hoping it wouldn't, since that seems to confirm the problem is with the 2080 Ti.

Any idea on what I could look at on the card as to why it might not be working?
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Perhaps put the original cooler back on and see if that changes anything? What kind of surface did you work with the card on?

I placed it on a wooden desk and most of the time it was sitting on the black pad that contained the G12. I also wore an anti-static wrist band that was grounded to a piece of metal touching the ground. I was careful while holding it not to touch any parts on the PCB and to hold it mostly by its edge.

I've watched some videos on 2080 ti disassembly and G12 installation, and I can't see what I possibly could have done. Maybe there was a problem with the isopropyl alcohol. It was 91% and I was very careful with that too.

I've inspected it very closely while comparing it to high resolution pictures of the original card, but I don't see any obvious damage. I'm definitely not an expert, but if something was damaged, it must have been very small.

I'll try putting the stock cooler back on.