Installed GTX 970 and my pc keeps crashing


Apr 25, 2015
Hello, I recently just installed a new EVGA gtx 970. I put it in, installed all new drivers and deleted my old drivers. Worked fine..... Until I started gaming. One time, My display went black and my fan sped up to max speed and my pc wouldn't shut off. Then, my computer just spontaneously restarted for no reason. What I am wondering, is if this is a faulty card, or if there is another issue in my system such as my power supply. My current build list is this.....

ALSO, I should mention, im going from and AMD graphics card to NVIDIA. Would this cause any unknown complications?

CPU: Amd fx-6300
MOBO: Asus M5a97
RAM: 16gb Kingston HyperX
PSU: Rosewill RX850-S-B

Additional information on my power supply....
maybe just the driver ? folks don't seen to happy with NVidias latest drivers to where a guy stated it seems NVidia brakes more then they fix lately ??

may look at things on them

starting to make AMD drivers look good these days

good luck
I guess I should of added to do a custom install and just install the cards driver and maybe control panel uncheck the rest of the ''crapware'' I do see things like g force experience and what ever can cause issues as well ..

may also try aback to say 35x.xx drivers as well and test ??

comes down to a bit of process of elimination and weeding things out

it could come down to your psu or something things could buy the farm at any time ..

the unit did not seem to review all too bad ? should be ok...

just looking as well at this I get to wonder if that boards old bios from 2012 may not be helping any for use of these newer 900 cards ?? some find this out as well on older board and these newer cards ??
you hate to jump in and do that to find it was a driver issue or something like you just may of got a lemon card ??

I would try all my ''free'' options first - also can you test the card in another rig [like your buddies? ] to insure the card its self is not bad ???

hate for you to spend 80 bucks just to find your still in the same boat as now with it
I bought the card from amazon and got it warrantied. I will have a new one tomorrow to test. I will then post an update so if anyone is having similar issues to me, they will have a frame of reference to judge by.

Greetings Bob,

I Recently Upgraded from a GTX 670 to a GTX 970, and had the same issues as you.
Games crashing, sometimes BSOD...

Now I assumed PSU first, but my XFX 550 watt PSU is barely a few months old.

Well, I eventually discoverd that reducing the speed of my RAM, yes system RAM, not grafic memory, completely resolved the issue.

Maybe you should try running your RAM below its rating and see if it helps.

