I recently was using Motionjoy (A program used to emulate a 360 controller so you can use a PS3 controller on PC) and instead of clicking the normal "Load Drivers" button I clicked the "Install Drivers" button which cause my mouse to stop working completely. The mouse still has a flashing red light on the bottom as if it is working, I tried plugging the mouse into my laptop to see if it would still work and it did not. I searched solutions for this and I got an article saying that I simply needed to just press "Load Drivers" and the mouse would begin working again but whenever I try to do anything in motionjoy like Loading Drivers or Enabling controller I get a blue screen. I have tried of course uninstalling the program and going into devices and trying to uninstall the device drivers but nothing is working. I have been using this program for about a year and a half and had no problems, how do I fix this. (I'm using Windows 7 and can still navigate the computer using my keyboard BTW, but whenever I do something relating to the mouse or program such as using the program, changing mouse navigation to keyboard, doing a system restore, or doing a disk check I get a blue screen)