Installed Motionjoy drivers now my mouse doesnt work. (Blue Screens)

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Sep 7, 2013
I recently was using Motionjoy (A program used to emulate a 360 controller so you can use a PS3 controller on PC) and instead of clicking the normal "Load Drivers" button I clicked the "Install Drivers" button which cause my mouse to stop working completely. The mouse still has a flashing red light on the bottom as if it is working, I tried plugging the mouse into my laptop to see if it would still work and it did not. I searched solutions for this and I got an article saying that I simply needed to just press "Load Drivers" and the mouse would begin working again but whenever I try to do anything in motionjoy like Loading Drivers or Enabling controller I get a blue screen. I have tried of course uninstalling the program and going into devices and trying to uninstall the device drivers but nothing is working. I have been using this program for about a year and a half and had no problems, how do I fix this. (I'm using Windows 7 and can still navigate the computer using my keyboard BTW, but whenever I do something relating to the mouse or program such as using the program, changing mouse navigation to keyboard, doing a system restore, or doing a disk check I get a blue screen)

I uninstalled motionjoy, uninstalled all the mouse drivers, then plugged the mouse back in to reinstall the drivers and it still doesnt work

When I open up the device manager there are about 6 "USB complient Devices" so do I just update them all?
I would disconnect the mouse, then shutdown, re-attach the mouse in a different USB port and power up.

Your USB drivers may be all fouled up by the Motionjoy and may need a repair. You can try going through all the USB controllers in the device manager and update the drivers. In severe cases, I've had to delete the controllers and then restart to get them to reinstall, but I would back up important data before doing that.

Ok so heres everything that happened I did what you said in SAFE MODE and it worked so I wanted to see if it would work in normal mode and it did...until I logged in and it said "installing drivers" in the corner then the mouse stopped working, so I tried again SAFE mode and now it won't even work on the login screen like it was earlier.

Do you think buying a new mouse would do anything? (A different brand then the one I currently am trying to fix)
I don't know if you have another system to try it on, but it may actually work but just not work on that machine right now. If it is cheap mouse you may just want to replace it -- I wear them out in about a year each by tapping a little harder than they like.

I don't know if I mentioned this but I tried the mouse on my laptop and it didn't work so...

My new mouse came in the post and it doesnt work with my desktop but it works with my laptop ( I installed the mouse's drivers from the Razer website).....So this is obviously a driver problem
*EDIT: I think it may actually be working now I did the whole unplug turn off thing and it seems to be working now but if I unplug it and plug it back in it doesnt work so that's kind of annoying.

Everything is fine now I was just being impatient, but is there anyway you think I can get my old mouse to work with my laptop?
I had the same problem, where my mouse was being recognised as a motionjoy device.
I went into the device manager and located where motion joy was being installed, not the additional USB devices and manually selected the USB input device driver. This had to be done for all USB ports the mouse was installed on.
Hi, I had the same exact problem with the same exact mouse. All you have to do to fix it is go on Safe Mode, uninstall the driver along with the software. Unplug the device and plug it back it in. It should work by then. I tried it in Normal Mode as well, and it worked. If it doesn't work, then you might need a backup mouse plugged in as well. Before restarting your computer, you should have had Motioninjoy uninstalled.
Best thing to do is remove all usb, put back the ps3 controller on the usb slot where you originally installed it and then go to device manage and look for the motion joy, right click, properties, uninstall driver (DONT FORGET TO CLICK THE REMOVE DRIVER OR ELSE IT WILL NOT WORK). Voila!!! every usb slot will work again!😉 If you need the ps3 controller again its just a breeze to install!
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