Installed new 1070, computer crashed and now won't power on.

May 9, 2018
I recently upgraded to a GTX1070 mini itx In my 5-6 year old desktop. This worked fine for the first few hours after setup, and the temperature readings were ok (40-65C) until I was playing videogames; where at which point the computer blackscreened and crashed completely. I am now unable to power the computer on again.

I Have a 500W PCU so I didn't think that was the problem, and the computer doesn't even power on with other GPU's installed. The motherboard would be my next guess but the green led shows it's receiving power.

I'm at my wits end and wanted to see if I could get some advice before I give up and take it to the shop.

It's a fairly old PSU, and I can't remember the manufacturer (requires a full deconstruction of my pc to find out) so that may well be the problem.

IS it possible for my PSU to just completely give up during usage?

If so what do you think is the next step?

Yeah sorry, I will do when I return from work this evening.

Yeah sorry I posted this late last night and have not been able to post full specs and will do so later.

It may well be a trash PSU that has been pushed to breaking point by upgrading the GPU, if that's the case will it take replacing just the PSU or has it fried other components do you think?