I recently bought a GT 1030 for my old pc but when I put it in my PC and turned it on it was stuck on the BIOS screen and wouldnt do anything. It gives one quick beep every minute or so. I than installed the older GPU and it works perfectly.
Windows 7 Home Premium
475W Psu
750GB HDD (dont know the companies that made these)
Intel I5-3570
2 4GB sticks of DDR3 RAM 4GB 1333mhz
And the old gpu is an AMD Radeon 5450.
Windows 7 Home Premium
475W Psu
750GB HDD (dont know the companies that made these)
Intel I5-3570
2 4GB sticks of DDR3 RAM 4GB 1333mhz
And the old gpu is an AMD Radeon 5450.