Installed new motherboard issues with wiring


Jul 28, 2013
I am having a issue with the power button connections. Basically this is the pinout the button and leds use. I am not sure how to connect it.

| Bk | | | | | | |
| Yl | | Bk | Gn | Yl | Bk |xxxx|

| 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 |
| 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 |xxxx|


1 Black Disk activiry led ground
2 Yellow Disk activiry led ground
3 Not connected
4 Not connected
5 Not connected
6 Black Power led ground
7 Not connected
8 Yellow Power led signal
9 Not connected
10 Yellow Power switch signal
11 Not connected
12 Black Power switch ground
13 Not connected
14 Locked (no pin)

I switched to a Biostar A780L3C,mainly because I wanted to get a FX series processor.
I'm not really sure what you are asking - if you are asking about the wires leading from the front panel, it should be easy (even if you have to remove the front of the case) to trace the wires from where they come. In many builds I did, the pins on the wires were labeled as well.

In the manual for your motherboard I found this schematic


Once you have traced the wires, it's almost self-evident where they belong. If you get it wrong, something just won't work, it's extremely unlikely that you'll short something out.

Black is usually negative or "hot" and white is positive. Sometimes people get this wrong, so it's best to trace from the point where the wire originate - a switch mostly won't cause an issue, but an LED may not come on if polarity is reversed.

I followed that but I then when i was driving to fix it, a tiny piece of wire hit the power on and off pins and it turned on
and stayed on. While it was on I connected the front panel, and the led lit up for the power but when I hit the button to turn it off nothing happened. I think its because of how the wires are.

After some testing I put (as you can see above) the wire the other way so 10 and 12 are connected to power, the button works but the issue is the connector is hanging off and the leds wont light. I think its because of how the wires are put in, is the anyway to change it?.Ill upload pictures if you need any.