Installed version of OS boots to black screen


Feb 7, 2017
I have a HP pavilion dv6 laptop and have the following problem:

My laptop is 4yrs old and recently had a 1m high fall off my desk and my 750gb HDD stopped working.

Since then I used a live USB running linux mint and things went pretty well.

But when I installed linux mint on another USB, the OS boots to a black screen with the fan running at high speed. somehow its only booting with the live USB.i am tired of changing the setting every time booting to a live OS.

I tried the installed LInux in an older HP G62 and a newer HP evny14 and it boots on both.

I couldnt find an option to update the BIOS from the startup menu.

I cleaned out the fan, hoping that would solve the issue, but it hasn't.

Please Help....