Installing 32-bit Windows on a gaming PC


Jan 18, 2018
Well, I'm low on money. So I can only afford a 32-bit installation of Windows 10 Home (92.95 or something like that on PCPartPicker), but will this limit my gaming ability? Since 64-bit is so mainstream nowadays, I don't know if any of the following games will run on a 32-bit operating system. I have a workstation with a Core i5 2500, a GeForce 8800 GT, 3GB DDR3-1333, and a 320GB 7200RPM hard drive that runs a 32-bit operating system, but I don't play games on it because the GPU has trouble handling my games. So I built a new gaming rig (because the GTX 460 one is old) with an AMD A8-7410 (something like that, used to be an A6-3600 but I upgraded), 4GB DDR3-1333, and a 1TB 7200RPM hard drive. I'm using the integrated Radeon. I want Windows on it, because I'm too used to it, but 32-bit is all I can afford. Here are the games I play:

- Garry's Mod
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
- FnaF 1, 2, 3, 4, SL, Might do Pizzarea Simulator (6)
- Portal 1, 2
- Terreria
- CS:S
- TF2

That's the list of games I play and that I have in my library. Could I run all of these games on a PC with a 32-bit operating system?

Yeah... not gonna be able to afford a 64-bit operating system until my birthday in October, but ain't nobody got time for that!

$7? Really?

And no one said the iGPU uses 2GB all the time.
But it does use some all the time. Which is subtracted off that 3.5.
I've run GMod off of 1.5GB of RAM. And PLENTY more games. After all, my dad's laptop (before I screwed up and reinstalled the OS) was only pulling 2Gb of RAM. Subtract Intel HD Graphics. That's how I played GMod.