News Installing a Fluid Temperature Sensor: The Best $10 Upgrade for a Custom Loop

very good idea, i ordered the same sensor.

to canada it ships from austria though... 1 month for shipping delays, total price 25 CAD

to USA it ships from modmymods and costs like 5USD -_-
My temperature sensor is usually called "hand".
I have an Alphacool Eisball reservoir on top of my computer, within arms reach. If/when I want to know the water temp I just grab the reservoir.
Since the pump is running at a constant speed and there are no fans blowing at the convector I have little reason to constantly monitor the water temperature.
I've been touting the benefit of using a fluid temp sensor since I did my first loop. For silent systems or any system that is cooling more than one component it's very important to know the fluid temp.

I don't really understand why it's not something that isn't included by default in a pump or common fitting like an elbow.