Installing (clean) Windows-7 to new SSD. How to do?


Oct 28, 2013
My 3 years old computer is infected with virus and near dead.
MY plan is re-build computer with a 240 GB SSD (SSD only, preexisting HDD will be removed). The ASUS motherboard will be retained.
A brand new OEM Windows-7 will be clean installed. I understand that I
would lose all my pre-existing programs and data. That would be ok, since
I will reinstall necessary programs later. My Question is how to install Windows-7
to SSD?
Before installing Windows you want to set the SATA mode to AHCI, its diffucult to do it afterwards if you want to keep anything on the drive.
You could partition the SSD, but I see no reason too.
Are you going to buy a new copy of windows, or try to use the OEM licence on a sticker on your prebuilt computer?

You can either install windows 7 from a CD or from a USB thumb drive; doing the second requires a bit of a setup process, but there are dozens of tutorials; just google it.

Installing windows 7 to a SSD is no different from installing it to a normal hard drive.

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I heard that the BIOS needs to be twiked, eg.
change the SATA mode to AHCI. Do I do this before or after installing Windows-7?
Do I need to do PARTITION of the SSD?
How would he be able to install windows7 usb with a SSD attached via a usb port? My SSD is attached to usb but windows7 installer won't find it. not even on list disk. I'm having an issue

You can't install windows to a removable disk of any sort.

The only workaround would be if you bought windows 8 enterprise and used windows to go.

Or you could just install your SSD in your computer and have it be a lot less likely to die and a lot faster anyways.

Not even if you mount it and burn an image?

That's a horrible necro, but no. First of all, removable media is much more likely to get corruption, which is not good... and secondly, windows simply won't do it, because it won't let you transfer from computer to computer that easily. (Plus the driver support is not something that windows would be able to do without serious work - ever tried taking an old hard drive and putting it in a new computer without reinstalling windows? It gets messed up.)

Sorry for the necromancy, though this thread is what I need.

I have a Samsung 850 pro 128, I am doing a fresh build and have no idea what I'm doing. Does this AHCI thing apply to windows 8 also? how does one do this process? (in bios?), and do I need to update bios first? (if so what wizardry can manage this without an OS?).

Any help is aappreciated. Thanks guys.
AHCI vs IDE is how the motherboard and drive communicate, to my knowledge it doesnt involve the OS at all. It applies no matter what OS.
Would depend of your particular board, but would just be a case of finding the right menu and changing it.
BIOS updates are typically done outside your typical OS. You download the new version and it will have a barebones OS, install to a flash drive, boot off that and then flash your BIOS.