Installing components while missing ram and cpu


Aug 10, 2015
is it bad if you install all your components excluding cpu and ram? I have my motherboard and want to mount in my haf 912 case, but don't know if thats bad without ram and cpu, will dust collect and mess up the board? I don't plan on turing it on obviously just mounting
While I wouldn't do this because sometimes attaching the cpu fan can be a pain if the board is already installed; You should be ok if you pre-mount your coolers base first, you know the part that goes onto the bottom of the motherboard.
This is if you even bought an aftermarket cooler.
Bad, NO, awkward, MAYBE. Putting the CPU in with all the other stuff in the way, may be a challenge. I change RAM in and out all the time.

As popatim has said, if you are using an aftermarket CPU cooler, make sure that the backplate or any mounting parts in. Some CPU cooler mounts may prevent the CPU from being installed.

Make sure you leave the CPU socket shield in place.

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