Installing cpu cooler


Jan 10, 2014
I ordered an arctic alpine 64 pro rev 2.0 for my fx4300@4.2 ghz to simply reduce noise, and it is coming next week, so do you think installing it will fairly simple. For some reason, I don't really like instlaling on the amd clips, and find the intel "screw" like mechanism so much simpler. I'm using a small case, but it seems fairly promising for 20$ and I can't fit a 212 or tx3 in my micro atx tower. Reviews seem good, but I can cancel if I need to. Temps are fine, just need quieter
don't buy that arctic cooler........ looks worse than the stock one.......... get an evo 212 if that's the price range you can afford something in. it can't be beat.

the tx3 looks okay. never used one don't know anybody that has........... but looks better than your first choice.

what are you putting this in?
Reviews say it is quiet and not too bad. I just am a bit doubtful on the mounting mechanism on the tx3. Should I go for that? I don't want to remove my motherboard
The fan is 23mm bigger than the stocks one (69 vs 92). It is the same size as the tx3, uses pwm, and maxes at 2000 rpm compared to the stock ones 3800ish. Also, installing it is as easy as unscrewing, putt it in, then screwing
listen to me........ this is GOD speaking...................... if you don't want to take my word for it read this,d.cWc

THEN BUY ONE OF THE OTHER ONES LISTED ABOVE................................. the one you insist on buying IZ junk.

Okay. I ordered it and its shipping. Hopefully my other order will cancel, but if not I think I will have to return it.

Yep. I am about to call them. About the tx3, does it have to be installed like this?

or can it be installed like this

Update:Found out they don't look at this stuff on Friday-Sunday, hopefully they will cancel tomorrow as I have sent three pretty straightforward emails.