Installing new fans


Jul 3, 2014
I am a complete newbie at fiddling with pre-built systems so sorry for stupid questions.

First the components I think I can identify looking in my case;

Case: CM Elite 335U with 1x stock exhaust fan at rear
Processor: Intel i5 3340
GPU: Nvidia GTX 650 KFA 1GB
PSU: FSP 500w
Motherboard: GA H61M DS2 DVI

I simply wanted to add an intake fan to my system, but I found out that my mobo only have one system fan port (correct me if i'm wrong). So I did my research to find you can attach system fans directly to the PSU, however, they will run at full speed constantly.

So First Question: would that be okay, an intake on direct PSU and Exhaust on rear?
Second Question: Where is best to place the intake? Front? Side? Bottom?

And lastly, if you were to recommend motherboards, what would be a suitable ATX option for my specs for an average price? Just for future reference and upgrades
Yes, the only difference with plugging it into the motherboard is that you can control the speed. It's fine to plug it into the power supply.

Front in and rear out would be first priority for fans.
Your case has decent options for fans, you just need to fill them in.

Personally I would go:

front and bottom(beside the power supply) both intake

2 side and 1 rear all exhaust

Most name brand companies $50 will get you a basic case that also has openings on the top for exhaust fans. $70-$100 will get you better cable management and usually 140mm fan holes instead of 120mm.

So from that I assume Front intake is the first priority? And that is fine to connect to PSU with rear exhaust on Mobo? Also for connecting a fan to the psu, I need a molex to 3/4 pin cable right?

Thanks, I know it seems like a daft little thing to question. But I just want to start small to start with tinkering around inside a system. Theory is different than practice :')