Installing new Intel driver slowed my recording to 25 fps instead of 60


Jul 5, 2014
Graphics Card: Intel 4600
Before I ask what I want to ask guys, please, if you know ANYTHING about this problem, tell me. Because I am really desperate, anyways: So I was playing minecraft on this laptop right? And I was like, hey, why don't I record on it? So I recorded on it and I was getting really good fps, and I was happy, right? Btw, I was using Fraps. So anyways, I render out the video and everything and I see that my screen was flickering, and that happend before, but I wanted to fix it because I had plans to keep recording on that laptop because it went really well, right? So I searched it up and I found that I needed to install the latest Intel graphics driver. So I go on to device manager and install the drivers, then I go on to play minecraft to see if the problem was fixed, and the thing is, it was fixed! But when I recorded to Fraps, it went down to 20-25! And btw I AM recording to my drive which has my minecraft installed on it, but before I was getting constant frames, and now I am not, so that's not the reason. Help. Me..

Hmm, that's an interesting answer... Right now I am installing the previous driver to see if i get constant frames, but even if the screen was flickering, I mean, I just feel like screen flickering shouldn't affect the fps by that much. Let's see what happens when I install the previous driver....


Well, apparently, I got the best of both worlds, so I installed the driver which had the screen flickering problem in it, and I played minecraft and started recording with Fraps, and guess what? No screen flickering AND constant 60 fps, so I am happy. <3 Thank you.