Installing OS New SSD and removing HDD to keep files


Feb 6, 2017
Hello im having some problems with my hard drive and i cant launch windows 10 on my pc. I tried to reinstall or repair windows 10 but it doesnt work. The only way i can do it is if i completely reinstall the pc but that concludes to all of the files being deleted. But my question is since i have 2 hard drive one ssd and one hdd. Can i detach my hdd were i have all of my important files and install w10 on my ssd and then after windows is installed on my ssd i can plug in my hdd again and i have accses to all my files again without the files from the hdd being deleted?
ty in advance


I did something similar. I had 4 hard drives and I purchased a SSD.

I removed all other Sata connections and only connected the SSD drive. I...
Hi -
Yes, this should work. In fact, I did much the same when I upgraded to W10. I removed all my HDs and SSD, installed a new SSD and Windows 10, and then re-connected all of the drives. Worked fine for me!
Good luck!
If it's only an OS issue, then in theory, yes.

Once you install the OS to the SSD and reconnect the HDD - you should be able to access it and see your files (may have to assign a drive letter in disk management).

You will have to reinstall programs etc that are on your HDD, but you should be able to access (or move over the the SSD or alternate HDD) your pcitures, music, save game files etc.


I did something similar. I had 4 hard drives and I purchased a SSD.

I removed all other Sata connections and only connected the SSD drive. I then performed a clean install on the SSD. I then installed all necessary drivers and Windows' updates. After that was finished I powered down and attached my other drives. Everything's working perfectly a year later.