Installing stock rom to my tablet. Please help


Sep 22, 2013

I have karbonn smart tab 10 tablet. It is not rooted. I bought it 1 year back, it was working very well, but now it is lagging and slow in everything. So i searched online, and many told me to install stock rom again. So i downloaded stock rom. It is in .rar format. I cannot install the rom, twrp recovery is always showing as E:\ unable to mount\ media. Also sometimes TWRP shows as partition problem. something like that. i don't understand. please some one help me. how to install stock rom and i also need to remove twrp to stock recovery. Please reply me.
For speeding the thing up, try doing a factory reset before reinstalling the stock firmware.
In any case, be sure to make a backup of all your data before you mess with the OS!

If you don't mind the question though, why have TWRP and not have root?

Anyways, time to get down to business:
I found these stock images, but they only work on Version 1 of your tablet model:
Make sure to update your TWRP recovery to the newest available version, copy the .zip downloaded from the link above and send it to your tablet's internal storage. Make a factory reset, reboot into recovery, wipe /data /cache and /dalvik-cache from the "Wipe" menu, then flash the .zip file you...
For speeding the thing up, try doing a factory reset before reinstalling the stock firmware.
In any case, be sure to make a backup of all your data before you mess with the OS!

If you don't mind the question though, why have TWRP and not have root?

Anyways, time to get down to business:
I found these stock images, but they only work on Version 1 of your tablet model:
Make sure to update your TWRP recovery to the newest available version, copy the .zip downloaded from the link above and send it to your tablet's internal storage. Make a factory reset, reboot into recovery, wipe /data /cache and /dalvik-cache from the "Wipe" menu, then flash the .zip file you downloaded from the above link. Reboot and it should be fine.

If you ever intend to buy an Android device again, I'll give you this one tip to make it perform well; do NOT buy MediaTek devices. They're sluggish and receive no software updates. If there is a device with an Intel or Qualcomm chip inside available, go for it rather than anything related to MediaTek.