Installing Ubuntu to an old Windows laptop


Feb 27, 2012
I've replaced my old laptop with a new one due to how slow it had been running and found it was time for an upgrade. Now I'm looking at the old laptop and don't really find it worth selling so I thought it might be worth it to try installing Linux on it instead of Windows. I have some experience with Linux through school but I've never had a computer I could really mess around with Linux on.

So my question now is can this be done easily considering the laptop came preinstalled with Windows 7 (since upgraded to Windows 10) and all of the drivers are for Windows. Does anyone have any advice on doing this or have a good guide I could follow. Note that I just used Ubuntu in the title as that is what I am most familiar with, I do not care which Linux distro I use as long as it works for my needs.

For reference the laptop I am trying to convert to Linux is an Asus N53S. Similar to these:

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me!


As above, Ubuntu or Linux Mint would work easily on that device.

Create the install USB or CD, boot from that, and install. Tell it to use the whole drive.
The install process is not much different than a Windows install.
Oct 14, 2018
First of all I would use a live linux CD or Stick with the distri you want. That way you can test if all hardware will work with it.
Ubuntu Live CD:
Xubuntu is a Distri based on Ubuntu but works well with low spec HW.
Linux Mint is also good, especially with the XFCE Desktop. Mint is based on Ubuntu, too.