Installing win 7


Sep 20, 2010
I am tryinmg to install win7 on a del inspiron and when the win7 is installing, I am asked for drivers, but i dont have any. If I go to del site, which drivers do I require.I cant see any mchipset drivers

Are you getting this before you start the install? Usually means that there is missing info on the disk, did you burn it from an ISO? If you burned it go back and make sure the file is complete, then burn it again using the slowest speed possible.

Use the Windows compatability tool first it will you of any issues.
As a general rule you could need the motherboard and video drivers for a start.
I reinstalled the OS on an older Dell laptop recently. I used a generic WinXP disk and then gave it the serial number that belongs to that laptop. I was surprised that the generic XP install did not install a driver for the network port. On desktop computers it usually does. I used the service tag # for that laptop and found the network port driver on Dell's website and downloaded it. I put it on a flash drive and transferred it to the laptop that way. Once I had the laptop connected to the net I downloaded most of the other drivers that it needed from Dell's website. I could not determine what video the laptop had so I didn't download a driver for that, but after installing the other drivers I had Windows do a full update and it downloaded and installed video drivers on its own.

1.) There should have been a file on the HDD already that had the drivers stored.
2.) What kind of disk were you using and what drivers did it ask for.? That's weird.
Even during installation if you have internet access Windows will go and get drivers for you,
then after the initial install and boot Windows Updates will do the rest.
3.) Type in you service tag and find or look for only the drivers that are still needed in your system's device manager.
3b.) Whichever video and/or chipset driver you needed should have been installed during initial install,
at least an older compatible driver.

So that leads me to ask once again, what disk are you trying to use for the Windows 7 install.?
Ok guys, Thanx for all your help, I managed to install it..I installed it on a different hdd and it installed no problem, and after it was installed I added the first hdd as a spare. Strange thing is, although windows installation disc said that it formatted the hdd partion , there was still a small partition on it.
I spoke to a guy from gigabyte forum, and he says that he also has this problem with a dell computer and he reckons that the hdd was tatooed.
Anyway all's well now... I have now installed an intell 80g ssd as my operation system drive,,,,boy these drives are fast.
Thanx again all