installing win 8 on SSD


Jan 15, 2012
I will hopefully be buying win 8 to change my system that is currently running on win 7. Easy fix I know, however my problem starts here.

Im currently using my 1T HDD to run win 7, and have recently purchased 2 SSD's
Samsung pro 128g and a Samsung pro 512g.
I want my new OS (win 8) to go onto the 128g SSD. and then have my games and what not on the 512 and leave the HDD for random things.
If I buy a win 8 CD and install will I get the option to choose which hard drive to install on? or will it want to over ride the win7 so to speak? I know how to change the boot settings etc to change over from the HDD to the SSD.

I hope this makes sence. and I hope its an easy fix. I havnt bought it yet. im just asking the Q before I go ahead and potentially waste my money.

Hello... Windows 7 & 8 will not play/install well together... Like USARet, above suggests, Only Have one Clean fresh drive connected during any Windows install... after all files/updates and Windows settings are Happy, Reconnect your other drives for program and files needs.
Hello... Windows 7 & 8 will not play/install well together... Like USARet, above suggests, Only Have one Clean fresh drive connected during any Windows install... after all files/updates and Windows settings are Happy, Reconnect your other drives for program and files needs.


Jan 15, 2012
ok no worries. Then how do I remove everything related to win on the HDD? is it as simple as going into the add remove programs or something? or just go to the win 7 folder and delete? sorry again if this all sounds pathetic (noob)



Once the new OS is up and running on the new drive:
Verify the SSD is first and only in the boot order
Then you connect the old drive
Assuming there is nothing on it you need, delete all partitions
If there is stuff on it you need (data, not applications) copy them elsewhere, then wipe the drive


Jan 15, 2012
awesome thanks heaps. seems easy enough. So if there is data on there I need or want to keep on the HDD ie music and pics or something, I can leave on the HDD and all games or what ever I want to run faster I just 'cut and paste' onto the bigger SSD?



Before you start....
On the OLD drive, while things are still working, move ALL of your files (music/videos/pics/etc) to a series of folders outside the current Documents locations.

Why? Those folders are NTFS permission tied to the old user. Accessing them can be done, but it is a pain. Moving those files out of that area makes things a lot easier.

Games and applications need to be reinstalled with the new OS. They don't have to be on that drive, but they do need to be reinstalled. The new OS will know nothing about them.
You can't just cut n paste them. Reinstall.