installing Win7 after RAID 0 is configured


Mar 17, 2014
I'm new to configuring RAID setups.. and have a few questions as I am currently stuck. I built this PC back in November 2013.. just recently grabbed another SSD and wanted to configure them to run in RAID 0. my current setup is Sata 1 and 2 are my SSD's, 6 is a storage HDD, and both ASMedia ports are my DVD drive and USB ports to my case. Now that I have the RAID 0 setup and listed as functionable.... I restart my PC to install WIN7 and this is where my problem is.... when I boot from disc to install windows it only lists my storage drive and not the Striped Array of which I want my OS to be installed to.

what im working with:
Mobo- Crosshair V Formula-Z RoG (BIOS - 2.10.1208)
SSD- corsair force GT 120GB x2

suggestions?!? thanks in advance!
so after digging even deeper into other threads, and going back re-reading the user manual.. i tried something and found the solution!

Win7 has RAID drivers built in... so as for making a usb flash drive or floppy disc is not needed. what I did to get it all to work!

1) installed both SSD and plugged into Sata port 1 and 2.
2) boot into bios changing SATA connections to RAID for ports 1-4.
3) boot into the RAID manager [ctrl + F] and created my Striped Array (raid 0).
4) boot from windows disc, got to the point where it shows the disks available (which it will not be displaying the array yet.....) i chose install driver, this is where you pull the windows disc, get your motherboard disc, and then browse through the folders until you locate which OS RAID driver your looking for, I located and selected the 64bit raid driver for WIN7, installed, it then displayed my arrayed drive to select to format and create a partition to install to.
5) put back in the windows disc, finish the screen by creating the partition, and boom. install windows on the new Data striping array!