Installing Windows 7 on two hard drives


Dec 14, 2015
So my dilemma is this; a while back, my power cut out as my computer was installing updates and ever since then, some of my programs and games refuse to work (I assume from some of the system files now being corrupted). What I want to know, is it it would be possible to install W7 on an external hard drive I have, boot from that, and use that to then play any games and stuff I have on my main hard drive.

I would just re-install, but my internet is pretty slow, so re-downloading my games would be a right pain as I don't have a disc to recover from.
Nope, Windows 7 will not boot from an external drive. Also, although the Steam library does not need to be installed, all programs and games need to be installed on the Windows 7 version that is running to have the proper registry settings to work.

I would recommend that you do a repair installation, which does not affect your programs -- you just need to reload the Windows updates. HERE is a step by step tutorial.
Nope, Windows 7 will not boot from an external drive. Also, although the Steam library does not need to be installed, all programs and games need to be installed on the Windows 7 version that is running to have the proper registry settings to work.

I would recommend that you do a repair installation, which does not affect your programs -- you just need to reload the Windows updates. HERE is a step by step tutorial.

Sorry for taking a few days to reply, but I followed what you linked to and it worked. Thanks for that, the programs that were broken are now working perfectly fine again.