installing windows 8.1


Mar 9, 2016
im clean installing windows 8.1 on a laptop, it had some issues so i had to reinstall it, so now im running into an issue, when i put the disk in and start booting i go from boot order disk then press any key to boot disk then starts now i got black screen and not going anywhere else. anyone got any ideas of what could be going on.
i start the process as installing os like anyone does go into bios select boot order, boot order is cd/dvd, hard drive, etc i always do cd/dvd first then save restart, then start the process of installing windows 8.1 it starts loading to start the process then goes black screen doesnt do anything else just stops dont get options just a black screen.
the disk isnt the problem dont believe, i just bought the disk brand new, with product key, the laptop was dropped while back just wouldnt think it caused something major, im wondering if the hard drive could be damaged from when it fell, thats what its making me think, it was used by kids the laptop was, they didnt treat it very well.