Installing Windows 8 to a new HDD without CD Drive


Oct 2, 2014
So My HDD has messed up, and so I need a new one, however my disc drive is knackered.

My Computer WAS Windows 7, but its now, or was 8.1 , how can I go about doing this and How?
Its HP and whenever ive rebooted my computer in the past ive used the discs. I have no idea how to do this so could someone explain or show a video? Also I have an external Disc Drive but I dont believe they work when theyre not installed properly from the weird Boot Menus when you press ESCAPE at the start of the HP Loadup.

Sorry if this is confusing.
So you have installed the new hard drive right? You can use a disc or a thumb drive. These days manufacturers expect users to make their own. You can download an iso of Windows 7 for sure from Microsoft (its hard to find if I remember correctly), but I don't know if they have 8.1, I would assume so. If you have your key, you are good to go.