Question Installing Windows 98 on Dell Dimension 4600c

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Mar 6, 2019
For reference, I own a Dell Dimensions 4600c computer that originally had Windows XP installed on it but won't boot to it anymore. When I try to insert the Windows 98 CD and boot from it using F12 it just says "Error loading OS" and will not initiate any kind of setup. I do not have a lot of experience with these types of things so the solution may be obvious or simple and I just can't see it.
Most likely, you need to go into the bios and enable your CD or DVD drive as the primary boot device or at least AS a boot device, if it's currently not enabled as one. Do you get the same Error loading OS message without the installation media in the drive as you do with it, if you try to boot?
I have tried directly booting to CD Rom from the BIOS and I still get the same error message.

What can I do about the non bootable CD? The computer does not have a floppy drive and I don’t have a boot floppy.
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