Question Instant freezing and GPU usagereduction in all games

Aug 12, 2023
Hello. First of all, my system specifications are at the link:

Several times I have deleted the video card driver with DDU and installed different drivers from scratch. Nothing has changed. Since I installed the system, it freezes and recovers instantly in every game like in the video you will watch in a moment. You can also see the MSI Afterburner values in the video. I cannot play games on the laptop because I have this problem even in GTA 5, which the system can easily handle. Power plan: High performance, laptop plugged in and charging. Many things like services etc are turned off (edited ISO). Any help would be appreciated.

Video of the problem:
Hey there,

Well, firstly, I think your expectations of your laptop are on the high side. The MX450 is an entry level laptop GPU. It's not great for gaming, apart from the lightest stuff. GTA V will eat your GPU up even at lower resolutions.

Your system could be throttling. When was the last time you cleaned it out? You need to take off the bottom of the chassis and give it a good clean, getting all the dust off the fans, and anywhere else you can see them.

Your CPU is decent, but nothing great. For AAA games, it could get slow too, as the 4c/8t layout is a relic now at this stage.

You could also use Throttlestop to undervolt the CPU, to see if that helps.
Aug 12, 2023
When I watched the video again I realized that the cpu usage goes up to 100% instantly and just then the game freezes, the gpu drops to 10%, then the cpu usage drops to 30%-40% and the game recovers. This is the problem
Your CPU is decent
Not really. The 11th Gen G7 series are locked down.

You could also use ThrottleStop to undervolt the CPU
Intel removed CPU voltage control and many other adjustments from the 11th Gen G7 series.

Some manufacturers set very low power limits. This can kill performance. The advertised MHz might not mean anything if your computer spends most of its time power or current limit throttling.

Try running ThrottleStop. Upload a screenshot of the FIVR and TPL windows to or a similar image hosting site. Open the Options window and check the Nvidia GPU box so this data is included. Turn on the Log File option and play a game for 15 minutes. When finished testing, copy and paste the log file data to

The log file will be in your ThrottleStop / Logs folder with today's date in its name.